HydraForce Hydraulics engineer and ambassador crowned Apprentice of the Year

Jan 27, 2022 | News

HydraForce Hydraulics engineer and ambassador crowned our Apprentice of the Year
Ahmad Ford impressed judges with his project work at Birmingham manufacturer and ambassadorial role inspiring next generation of apprentices.

An ambassador for apprenticeships in the West Midlands who has been instrumental in both local and global projects for his employer has been named our 2021 Apprentice of the Year.

Ahmad Ford, from HydraForce Hydraulics in Birmingham, won the engineering and manufacturing category at our Greater Birmingham Apprenticeship Awards last night before being picked from six individual winners to be crowned overall Apprentice of the Year.

Ahmad is currently in the fourth year of an advanced engineering apprenticeship at the business which designs and manufactures hydraulic valves and assemblies.

During his time with the Aston-based company, the 29 year old has been entrusted with a variety of projects including the moving of a valve production line from the US to the UK.

He has also implemented new health and safety practices and earned a distinction in all of his BTEC modules and is now embarking on a foundation degree with a view to completing a full honours degree in due course.

Our judging panel was also impressed with the work he does promoting apprenticeships in the region through his role as an ambassador for the West Midlands Young Apprentice Ambassador Network.

Read more: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hydraforce-hydraulics-engineer-ambassador-crowned-22138540


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